import { ref, computed } from "vue"; import { onLoad } from "@dcloudio/uni-app"; import peach from "@/peach"; import GoodsApi from "@/peach/api/trade/goods"; import { SPEC_TYPE, SKU_RULE_CONFIG } from "./config"; const pickerRef = ref(null); // 多属性商品 sku 列表 const skus = ref([]); const propertyList = ref([]); const goodsPropertyList = ref([]); const propertyListRef = ref(null); const canEdit = computed(() => peach.$store("trade").canEdit); const formData = ref({ specType: true, specText: SPEC_TYPE[0].label, }); async function showPropertyList() { await getGoodsProperty(); propertyListRef.value.onOpen(); } function onRDPickerConfirm(e) { formData.value.specType = SPEC_TYPE[e.value[0]].value; formData.value.specText = SPEC_TYPE[e.value[0]].label; // 如果商品规格不一致,则需要重新初始化 sku 列表 initSku(); peach.$store("trade").specType = SPEC_TYPE[e.value[0]].value; } function pickerProperty() { if (canEdit.value) { let index = formData.value.specType ? 1 : 0; console.log(index); pickerRef.value.onOpen([index]); } } async function onPropertyConfirm(e) { await getGoodsProperty(); console.log(e); } function onConfirm() { console.log(skus.value); } async function getGoodsProperty() { let { data } = await GoodsApi.getHistoryProperty(); // 把 propertyList 中 id 相同的属性合并,并去重 propertyList.value = peach.$store("trade").selectedProperty; console.log(propertyList.value); if (propertyList.value) { // 根据已经选择数据,设置默认选中 data.forEach((item) => { // 判断属性是否已经选中 let propertyParent = propertyList.value.find( (sitem) => sitem?.id === ); item.checked = propertyParent ? true : false; // 如果属性已经选中,查询子类中是否有选中 if (item.checked) { item.propertyValues.forEach((child) => { let childResult = propertyParent?.children.some( (schild) => schild === ); child.checked = childResult ? true : false; }); } }); goodsPropertyList.value = data; } else { goodsPropertyList.value = []; } console.log(goodsPropertyList.value); } function changeSubProperty() { // 修改子属性状态,需要同步更新 skus 的显示 console.log(goodsPropertyList.value); // 过滤父属性 checked 选项,深拷贝避免后面循环改变元数据内容 let temp = JSON.parse( JSON.stringify(goodsPropertyList.value.filter((item) => item.checked)) ); temp.forEach((item) => { item.propertyValues = item.propertyValues.filter((child) => child.checked); }); let result = => { return => ({ propertyId:, propertyName:, valueId:, valueName:, })); }); let tempSkus = []; for (let item of reduceArr(result)) { let obj = { picUrl: "", barCode: "", price: 0, marketPrice: 0, costPrice: 0, stock: 0, weight: 0, volume: 0, properties: item, }; tempSkus.push(obj); } skus.value = tempSkus; } /** * @author Ankkaya * @description 新增商品初始化商品 sku * @param {Type} - * @returns {Type} */ function initSku() { // 单规格 if (!formData.value.specType) { let obj = { picUrl: "", barCode: "", price: 0, marketPrice: 0, costPrice: 0, stock: 0, weight: null, volume: null, properties: [ { propertyId: 0, propertyName: "默认", valueId: 0, valueName: "默认", }, ], }; skus.value = [obj]; } else { // 多规格 skus.value = []; } } /** * @author Ankkaya * @description 确认属性 * @param {Type} - * @returns {Type} */ function submitProperty() { try { validateSku(skus.value); peach.$store("trade").skus = skus.value; peach.$router.back(); } catch (e) { console.log(skus.value); console.log(e, "校验失败"); } } function validateSku(skus) { let warningInfo = "请检查商品各行相关属性配置,"; let validateStatue = true; let skusValue = skus ?? peach.$store("trade").skus; // 判断如果是多规格,并且 skusValue 为空 [],则提示 if (formData.value.specType && skusValue.length < 1) { uni.showToast({ title: "请选择商品规格", icon: "none", duration: 4000, }); throw new Error("请选择商品规格"); } for (const sku of skusValue) { for (const rule of SKU_RULE_CONFIG) { const arg = getValue(sku,; if (!rule.rule(arg)) { validateStatue = false; warningInfo += rule.message; break; } } if (!validateStatue) { uni.showToast({ title: warningInfo, icon: "none", duration: 4000, }); throw new Error(warningInfo); } } } function getValue(obj, arg) { const keys = arg.split("."); let value = obj; for (const key of keys) { if (value && typeof value === "object" && key in value) { value = value[key]; } else { value = undefined; break; } } return value; } function reduceArr(arr) { return arr.reduce((acc, cur) => { let tempAcc = []; if (acc.length < 1) { cur.forEach((item, index) => { if (tempAcc[index]) { tempAcc[index].push(item); } else { tempAcc[index] = [item]; } }); } else { acc.forEach((item, index) => { cur.forEach((sitem, sindex) => { tempAcc.push([...item, sitem]); }); }); if (cur.length < 1) { tempAcc = acc; } } return tempAcc; }, []); } const specType = computed( () => peach.$store("trade").goodsInfo?.specType || false ); function initial() { onLoad(() => { formData.value.specType = specType.value ? true : false; formData.value.specText = SPEC_TYPE[specType.value ? 1 : 0].label; skus.value = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(peach.$store("trade").skus)); // 如果新增商品 sku,并且是单规格,初始化 sku if (!skus.value) { initSku(); } if (specType.value) { getGoodsProperty(); } }); } export { initial, canEdit, skus, pickerRef, pickerProperty, validateSku, onConfirm, submitProperty, propertyListRef, formData, onRDPickerConfirm, onPropertyConfirm, propertyList, showPropertyList, goodsPropertyList, changeSubProperty, };